Miles’ Architecture Focus: Part 1 Velodrome

Derby City Councils ‘Derby Velodrome’ is being built now (October 2013), next to Derby Counties Pride Park Stadium.

It has been on site for over a year now and once complete will fit in nicely with the out of town shopping and the planned Derby County arcade experience.  It is on ground higher up compared to Pride Park and has a vaulted roof that rises up above it.  In area on plan the two buildings are comparable.

The building has a complicated ‘eye shaped’ roof-lit design and a fairly parabolic roof.  The track is in expensive slatted wood.  The shell and much of the internals are fairly standard but good quality and it should last as a resource for Derby for many years. On opening much of the cities council sport and exercise facilities will move into this building.

The building has many ecological and energy saving features and specification.

It is scheduled to open October 2014: so has about a year left in the build.  Building is carried out by Bowmer & Kirkland, contract value £20 million.