Poetic Prose- Forest

Miles Whinfrey (c) April 2015.


‘Enjoying Tobacco is natural, part of which is the great taste,’
Along with English pint, the smoker needs their little packed
tube between fingers to be happy,
Take a draw for satisfaction.

The hardened toker swears by the lights. It’s a ‘pick me up’
we chuckle, whether big strong men or plucky women,
Omnipresent and there through every time and trend, slow
change, upheaval, war and peacetime.

People realise the downside- they burn your clothes, and
make you cough,
But otherwise among other things singer’s improve husky
tone, and so desirable to opposite sex.

What does the smoker say after having too many in a night?
‘Nine fifty a pack,
It’s bad for the kids.’