PM Poets- 8th September Derby Museum & Art Gallery
Miles Whinfrey © September 2015.
Turner’s Paintings & Clouds
Born Covent Garden, in the rule of George the Third
Barbers son
From a child drew and painted
Pictures up and sold in fathers quarters
Wanted to be an Artist
Thomas Malton Topo Draughtsman took as apprentice
Have a go Joseph- It’s for money
On to the RA of Joshua Reynolds
No direct entry- through the Schools
Wasn’t taught painting
A feature artist for magazine travelling Britain and
In France saw first Claude Lorrain, then more and more
‘Work before life,’ the whole regime, practiced
and perfect: Chalk, pencil- tobacco juice, watercolour
Fine touches of aquarelle, bold strokes of impasto
Around then made Academician
The modern world we know was emerging at this time
Must have thought hard- ‘what can be achieved with painters
roll and easel?’
Photographic insights, paint development, and Goethes colour
selection rules
Light, force of elements, clouds, enormity of the geographic
Searching sunlight through mist: ‘Louis Phillipe at Clarence Yard’
Tumultuous swirling maelstrom: ‘Slavers in the Typhoon’
What great achievements.