A ‘found’ poetic prose from 2013

Miles Whinfrey (c) January 2013

No poem for ‘Hands’

Hand me downs

From mum and dad- they got it when they got married
Coming from a department store in the days of customer service- no doubt matched perfectly to demand
In it’s time it has refreshed me and them both
Set of 4 pieces, one tray and a hinged lid
Futuristic and shiny in steel
Do you dip or stir? Or just wait for time to take it’s effect?
Don’t keep looking- We’ll know when it’s ready
Without mesh ball originally
Have you asked the vicar if he wants more? –What vicar?
On hand for as long as the conversation takes, best for a coven of 2 or 3
I can’t imagine the time coming when we put it on the tip
We can’t do without it.